Breakfield & Burkey’s OUT of POLAND Short Stories Tour DAY 7

Day 7 Blog Post

For multiple generations, the R-Group focused on helping those impacted by oppressors and those who sought power and wealth at the expense of the average person. One of the group’s founding principles was the ethical high ground in choosing the path to take to solving problems. Jacob Michaels, a continuing character in the Enigma Series and one of the leaders of the R-Group, learned this from his grandfather Wolfgang.

In several of the stories in the Enigma Series, references to the original members fighting back tyranny from WWII determine the direction current-day members of the R-Group take with the challenges presented. Wolfgang was a founding father of the R-Group.

As authors, we get questions about our cyber heroes and how they take the battle to their enemies. Jacob and Wolfgang often spoke of the right choices to make on behalf of their private clients and the countries they’d helped. When Jacob learns more history of the R-Group, he mentally clarifies right from wrong at multiple levels.

When Jacob and his generation take full leadership roles, he worries about sharing enough information in meaningful examples with the next generation. In The Enigma Beyond, Jacob had a heartfelt conversation with Wolfgang.  Jacob wonders in his rhetorical conversation what more he can do to instill the value for the next generation of the R-Group to maintain their integrity. YouTube link:

This conversation led us to create a short story and then release a complete novella in 2021 to learn about the original men who escaped Poland in 1939. These men risked their lives to stop the German military machine. Out of Poland – Novella is a gripping tale that vividly paints the picture of war, pride, hope, and death for a country without support from its allies.  Out of Poland is about how great things come out of extreme adversity.

About the Short Story

Available on Amazon  We look forward to your review and comments on our short

Beneath the storm clouds of a deadly war, three men need to unlock the secrets to redeem the world.

The setting is Poland—1939. Germans are marching toward Warsaw, crushing everything in their path. The Polish people feel the crush of their defensives and their brave cavalry. Fighting against the Nazi military machine is a death wish realized all too clearly.

Death, destructions, pillage, and woman brutalized at the hands of soldiers with no honor marks the invaders’ path. As much as the citizens of Poland pray for a different outcome, everything they have known, loved, and grown up with is gone.

Three young men take on the task of finding and extracting the German military communications device, Baby, kept under heavy guard. Polish patriots die to aid the three in getting the information and then fleeing with the prize. The race is on as the Germans try to match wits with the clever patriots who risk detection at every turn.

Ambassador Ferdek Watcowski insists that his son Ferdek with Wolfgang and Tavius, flee with the families while there is still time to reach a border. Their goal—escape with Baby intact.

Hitler’s forces so outclass Poland’s military that survival is key to fighting another day. Facing great peril and odds against their survival, the men resolve to make a difference so those who died helping them would not have sacrificed in vain. They vow to undertake a lifetime of fighting tyranny.

Successful survivors must look ahead

Breakfield is a technology expert specifically in security, networking, voice, and anything digital. He enjoys writing, studying World War II his­tory, travel, and cultural exchanges. Charles is also a fan of wine tastings, wine-making, Harley riding, cooking extravaganzas, and woodworking.

Rox Burkey and Charles Breakfield are co-authors for the Enigma Series. Our characters haunt us, demanding more of their stories get written. It began with a few heroes, then expanded to those with self-serving motives. We instigated this tour to provide insight and motivating factors on the shorts. We consider these fun standalone compliments to the series novels. Enjoy this tour, and please provide feedback.

Burkey is a 25+ year applied technology professional who optimizes technology and business investments for global customers. She focuses on optimized customer experiences. Rox loves interviewing authors, writing white papers, reviewing books, and loves creating fiction.

Together they create award-winning stories that resonate with men and women, young and experienced adults, and bring a fresh new view to technology possibilities today. They invite you to visit their newly revised website, look around and grab some free stuff

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